Windows 10 finally overtakes Windows 7 – at least for gamers

Windows 10 finally overtakes Windows 7 – at least for gamers

By Darren Allan

Windows 10 finally overtakes Windows 7 – at least for gamers

Windows 10 has finally surpassed Windows 7, at least when it comes to PC gamers on Steam.

Previously, Windows 10 64-bit had become the single most popular strain of OS, but now the total number of Windows 10 users (both 32-bit and 64-bit) has outstripped the total number of Windows 7 gamers (32-bit and 64-bit).

Last month, Windows 7 was still just a smidgen ahead in this regard, but in the month of May, Windows 10 achieved a total of 41.05% market share for Steam gamers (a 1.54% gain), and that meant it was 2% ahead of Windows 7 which found itself dropping back to 39.02%.

As for other operating systems, Windows 8/8.1 totaled 13.02%, with Windows XP still persisting on 1.96% and Vista bringing up the rear on 0.3%.

OS X gamers accounted for 3.6% of Steam users, with those on Linux hitting 0.84%.

Gathering momentum

It’s likely that we’ll see Windows 10 accelerate further still this month and next, given that at the end of July, Microsoft’s offer of a free upgrade from Windows 7/8 expires. Therefore we can expect a lot of fence-sitters to make the jump before they are forced to pay.

Microsoft’s latest desktop OS offers a major plus for gamers …read more

Source:: – Gaming

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