Week in Gaming: HoloLens, Xbox streaming, and GTA rampages

Week in Gaming: HoloLens, Xbox streaming, and GTA rampages

By Bridie Roman

Week in Gaming: HoloLens, Xbox streaming, and GTA rampages

If last week belonged squarely to Nintendo and its gaming announcements then this week is property of Microsoft. Its big Windows 10 livestream contained plenty of exciting news for Xbox fans and non-believers alike, if you could sit through all the other slightly boring parts.

By far the most exciting thing was the announcement of HoloLens – Microsoft’s answer to the VR/AR trend and potential rival to Sony’s Project Morpheus and the Oculus Rift. Don’t get confused by the name though, there aren’t any projected holograms here. Instead the HoloLens overlays images on whatever you are looking at, so you can build a Minecraft environment around your living room, making it even more like Lego but without the mortal danger of stepping on a piece barefoot.

Like most VR/AR/hologram projects the HoloLens won’t be on your face for a while, but when it does arrive we hope it won’t be as expensive as Google Glass, and that it’ll stick around for longer.

In more tangible news, Windows 10 devices (laptops, desktops and tablets) will be able to stream Xbox One games so long as they are on the same Wi-Fi network. That means you could play Halo: …read more

Source: techradar.com – Gaming

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