By Kate Gray
So, it looks like the Miitomo has calmed, after it became quickly apparent that there wasn’t all that much to do.
Sure, it sort of worked as a social network, in that people were engaging with each other’s comments and jokes, but we were probably only doing that to get in-game coins to buy more in-game hats. If the real world worked like that, we’d all be much more outgoing and own many more hats.
But what are you supposed to do with the app now? You’ve already downloaded it, so you probably should give it one more chance before you boot it into the Deleted Pit with the rest of the crap you gave up on. By now you might have noticed that the game is pretty hands-off when it comes to content control, and that the rather open-ended photo creator lets you do a lot of things you probably shouldn’t be allowed to do. With that in mind, here are five alternate ways to use Miitomo now that we’ve realised it’s a bit pants.
Make memes
In just a few years, the way we will judge a person’s worth will be based on how “dank” their “memes” are. …read more
Source:: techradar.com – Gaming