Updated: E3 2016: Everything we expect to see at this year’s big show

Updated: E3 2016: Everything we expect to see at this year's big show

By Jon Porter

Updated: E3 2016: Everything we expect to see at this year's big show

Introduction and Nintendo

E3 2016 is probably the single most important event for gamers all year long. It’s here we’ll get our first look at the big franchises that will keep our consoles and gaming rigs humming later in the year and, if we’re lucky, a sneak peek at next-gen hardware, too.

This year is going to be different than most, however. All three of the main console manufacturers have hinted at new hardware – Sony with its PS4.5, Microsoft with a modular console and Nintendo with the Nintendo NX – meaning this could be a very big year.

But not everything is changing for the better this year. Activision, Disney, Wargaming and EA have all said that they won’t be attending the convention in an official capacity this year. That means no crazy surprise rock shows to support Guitar Hero Live and absolutely no Pele coming out on stage to talk about the beautiful game.

But maybe, just maybe, none of that will matter.

E3 is a fiercely independent beast. It’s survived with the support of those companies in the past and it can do so again. As long as Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo show up with new IPs …read more

Source:: techradar.com – Gaming

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