Udemy Linux for Beginners course

Udemy Linux for Beginners course

By Nate Drake

Udemy is an online learning platform for those wanting to develop their professional skills, and one of its offerings is Jason Cannon’s course Linux for Beginners. It’s designed to be self-paced, consisting of 5.5 hours of video lectures combined with 27 online resources. Payment of the course fee (currently around $17 – that’s about £13) will grant lifetime access to all learning materials.

The only requirements for this course are a basic knowledge of computers and a desire to learn. True to its name, Linux for Beginners goes easy on you at first by providing advice on how to get access to a Linux server, as well as some tips on choosing a distribution. The instructor assures trainees that what you learn on this course applies to any Linux environment.

Another perk of this course is that it covers how to set up and use VirtualBox to install Linux in a virtual machine on Windows or macOS. This means you don’t have to replace your current OS or risk losing any files as the Linux installation will be self-contained within your system.

The course does detail how (and when) to install …read more

Source:: techradar.com – PC and Mac

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