To Celebrate the Xbox’s 15th Birthday, here are its 15 Most Important Games

To Celebrate the Xbox's 15th Birthday, here are its 15 Most Important Games

By TechRadar Staff

15 years ago, Microsoft released its Xbox console to the world, and replaced Sega as Sony’s biggest competitor within the console space.

Nintendo fell away into third place and Microsoft and Sony set to work fighting a console war that has continued to this day.

The various Xbox consoles have had a variety of excellent (and some not-so-excellent) games. Here are a list of the most important in the console’s history.

1. Fable

Although its good name was sullied by a disappointing third instalment, Fable is an undeniably influential role playing series and a gem in the first person shooter-heavy Xbox Exclusive crown.

The world of Albion might not have had the realism and scope of the worlds in titles such as Mass Effect and Skyrim, but it had a charm and sense of magic all of its own. This is largely thanks to its distinctive storybook visuals, enchanting soundtracks, and simplistic morality mechanic which effectively drew players into the world.

One of the biggest things that helps Fable stand apart from other role playing titles, though, is its sense of humour. Tongue-in-cheek and unmistakably British, Fable’s writing stopped the series from feeling like it was taking itself too seriously which …read more

Source:: – Gaming

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