These 7 PC build fails will make you appreciate your rig even more

These 7 PC build fails will make you appreciate your rig even more

By Joe Osborne

Look, despite being PC gamers, not all of us have gaming rigs that we’re immensely proud of. At least not proud enough to show them off on Instagram.

Even yours truly, an editor on a technology outlet, no less, has a gaming PC that, well, “gets the job done” – the thing we all say when we know our rig is not social media material. But, fret not! For there is always the vicarious joy in looking at things worse off than you and yours.

Behold, some of the worst (and hilarious) examples of PC build botches and computer neglect that should put you right back in a good mood after seeing the latest 100% custom, dual-Nvidia GTX 1080 build on Reddit.

“Do you think it needs one more? I mean, we are going to be running two Tita – what do you mean we don’t have room for the Titans? You told me we needed ‘serious cooling!’”

For when no amount of fans will keep your rig’s monstrous power in check. Wait, is that an HP Pavilion?

Sure, the 3TB hard drive is a fine addition … to the three disks he already has. I mean, how much por – …read more

Source:: – Computing Components

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