The Crew 2 review: planes, boats and automobiles

The Crew 2 review: planes, boats and automobiles

By Dom Reseigh-Lincoln

In the hands of any other publisher, an undercooked online infrastructure and a slew of lukewarm reviews would have seen 2014’s The Crew sent on a one-way drive to the scrapheap. But not so with Ubisoft. The French publisher loves a good franchise, so Ivory Tower’s racer returns with a bright new presentation, disciplines aplenty and enough vehicles to sate even the thirstiest petrol head.

While the first game used a bland and forgettable underground racing story (one so bad it’ll probably be in the next Need for Speed entry), The Crew 2 jettisons any sense of tangible narrative in favor of an extreme sports makeover that effectively opens up the map, with fast-travel accessible races available right from the off.

Improving your follower count will open up new events, as well as new racing distinctions

While the lack of a corny story is a definite plus, the way in which you explore the game’s world is an odd choice, to say the least (especially considering Ubisoft has opted once again for a truncated version of the United States as a setting). For all of The Crew’s problems – and there were many – its open-world was a huge selling point. Driving from …read more

Source:: – Gaming

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