The best SSDs 2016

The best SSDs 2016

By Desire Athow


Size matters, and the best SSDs prove it. Back in 2008, Intel launched its first solid state drive for £400, and in return, you were given a mere 80GB to store your files.

Things have changed in the last eight years, however. Nowadays you’ll pay almost 25x less than what you did back then for even the best SSDs, a 3x decrease every year.

Size has always been the source of insecurity for SSDs. Fortunately, even the tiniest solid state drive will soak up a Windows installation. Simply chuck the rest in the big old data bin that is a cheap conventional hard disk. A recent survey suggests SSDs aren’t much more reliable than HDDs anyway.

Note that for the sake of simplicity, here we will be looking at SATA models only. No mSATA, M.2 SATA, PCIe or standard PCI models. Keep in mind that PCIe drives will generally perform better than SATA drives but also tend to cost far more. 3D Xpoint, however, will make SSDs faster across the board.

Anything smaller than 120GB is probably too small if you want to use only one …read more

Source:: – Computing Components

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