Looks like we’re all out of bubble gum
What’s the best shooter on the PC or consoles ever? That’s a good – but loaded – question, as there are a ton that we could address individually. Besides, we would inevitably get it wrong by someone’s measure.
So, let’s highlight what’s out there now that best exemplifies what shooters are all about – with that, re-releases of seminal works are on the table as well.
Honestly, there are so many shooters out there now that you simply shouldn’t miss. Here are several first-person shooter (FPS) games that you need to check out immediately on the desktop or a console.
Again, we’ll continue to add to this list over time, so don’t fret if your fave isn’t on the list just yet.
This isn’t first on the list for a reason, but the DOOM franchise does immediately come to mind when you talk about shooters in general. The original DOOM, developed by id Software, hit the PC gaming scene way back in 1993, and has since spawned three sequels: DOOM 2, DOOM 3, and the latest installment, DOOM (2016) that’s slated for a release in May.
Overall, the …read more
Source:: techradar.com – Gaming