Teclast X98 Plus II

Teclast X98 Plus II

By Desire Athow

On the other side of the world there are hundreds of Chinese tech companies busy churning out products which they hope will tempt online visitors to pull the trigger on a purchase.

This almost evolutionary process of product creation has delivered some surprising models like the Cenovo King Kong or the Gole Gole1 (which we shall review soon).

There’s also the non-glamorous side of things where these companies simply seek inspiration for new products from more established companies like Apple, Microsoft, Samsung or Lenovo, shamelessly piggy-backing on their marketing campaigns.

The Teclast X98 Plus II tablet is one of them, with the design being loosely based on that of the four-year-old Apple iPad 3 tablet.

But it has one major selling point aside from its looks – namely the ability to boot Windows and Android.

Teclast pulls off this trick using AMIDuOS, a product by American Megatrends that can convert any recent Windows device into one that runs a native Android operating system, complete with storage and file sharing capabilities, for as little as £11.

However, note that while you should be able to update Windows regularly, you will be stuck on Android 5.1 (Lollipop) with no foreseeable …read more

Source:: techradar.com – PC and Mac

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