Tech Bargains: TechRadar Deals: Android tablets, Nintendo, Xbox, headphones + more!

Tech Bargains: TechRadar Deals: Android tablets, Nintendo, Xbox, headphones + more!

By TechRadar

Tech Bargains: TechRadar Deals: Android tablets, Nintendo, Xbox, headphones + more!

Each day TechRadar brings you great deals on tech products from around the web and today we’ve got some excellent bargains for you.

How about we start with some great gaming deals? We’ve found Battlefield 4 for PS3 online for just £7.99. The super-fun Nintendo Land for Wii U is currently available for a bargainous £8.89.

Sniper Elite 3 for PS4 has just been reduced to £24.99 while the Tolkein-tastic Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor is now just £36.86. And how about excellent sneak-about title Thief, now just £16.98?

Valentine’s Day deals: quick links



Speakers: Need some stereo USB speakers for your desk? TechRadar has an exclusive deal for you on the GOgroove BassPULSE 2.0 speakers for PC and Mac. They’re currently selling on Amazon for £19.99 but with our secret code TRADAR99 you can get them at half price – just £9.99!


Android tablet: Samsung is still streets ahead of many other brands when it comes to phones and tablets …read more

Source: – Gaming

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