Should your business switch to flash storage now?

Should your business switch to flash storage now?

By David Howell

Should your business switch to flash storage now?

Introduction and falling costs

Flash storage as a replacement for traditional hard drives has been touted as the next great hardware advance for the last few years.

When techradar pro spoke with Vaughn Stewart, VP, enterprise architect at Pure Storage, he said: “Flash is a massively disruptive technology. Enterprise storage vendors that are still reliant today on hard disks for performance storage are in a position eerily similar to that of Kodak a decade ago: confronted with a new technology that can dramatically undercut their current products and disrupt their business model.”

Of course outside of the data centre where flash storage is likely to make its presence felt most acutely, does flash have the same potential to disrupt how businesses buy storage capacity for their enterprises?

All businesses have experience of this technology – the smartphones and tablets that have proliferated and many thin form factor notebook PCs make use of flash or SSD (Sold State Drive) storage.

Cost to capacity ratio

For small businesses owners the cost to storage capacity ratio has been an issue. Costs are falling, albeit slowly, but the advantages are clear:

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