Review: Vodafone Smart Speed 6

Review: Vodafone Smart Speed 6

By Michael Abolins-Farrell

Review: Vodafone Smart Speed 6

Introduction and features

Network own-brand phones have long since stopped being the compromise they once were. Like a supermarket’s own flaked corn cereal or beans baked in tomato sauce, they’re the acceptable face of smart shopping.

The new Vodafone Smart Speed 6 continues in this vein, offering a substantial set of tasty smartphone features at a price that’s far easier to stomach than the big-name brands’ own efforts.

Vodafone, smartly recognising an opportunity in the market, has also realised that people who are spending relatively so little on a smartphone might be buying their first – particularly if they’re, ahem, older – and accordingly have added some clever features to appeal to the silver shopper.


Let’s get this out the way early on: there’s more than a touch of the plastic fantastic about the Vodafone Smart Speed 6 – but for £50 you can hardly expect Gorilla Glass and brushed aluminium. Available with black or silver (seen here) rear covers, it’s not going to have the neighbourhood nerd wandering over for a fondle.

Vodafone Smart speed 6 review

But beauty is fleeting – and the Vodafone Smart Speed 6 feels tough and dependable, and like a phone that will endure being stuffed …read more

Source:: – Phones

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