Review: Philips BDM4065UC review

Review: Philips BDM4065UC review

By Jeremy Laird

Review: Philips BDM4065UC review

Introduction and specs

Ten years. It’s a staggeringly long time in tech.

Back in 2005, you’d be looking at a dual-core Intel Pentium D and its craptastic NetBurst architecture. On the graphics side, it’s Nvidia GeForce 6800 and 16 pixel pipes. Wowee. As for storage, the notion of an SSD wasn’t even a twinkle in the NAND industry’s eye.

It was a very different time.

Yet it was nearly a decade ago Dell wheeled out the monitor by which pretty much all others have since been measured, the 3007WFP, and then the 3007WFP-HC.

And, yes, more recently some interesting technologies have cast doubt on the Dell’s mastery, that’s for sure. But the broader point holds: a decade-long reign at the top is extraordinary.

It’s impossible to imagine for any other major component.

But here we are in early 2015 and it looks like a new high-end default in the monitor market has arrived, at least in terms of the form factor – if perhaps not this actual Philips BDM4065UC.

Let’s find out why.

Pixel perfection?

Even before the Philips BDM4065UC arrived at Future Towers, we had a notion that when it came to 4K PC monitors, the HDTV market was going to be …read more

Source: – PC and Mac

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