Original Xbox games are still coming to Xbox One this year

Original Xbox games are still coming to Xbox One this year

By Emma Boyle

Of all the current generation consoles on the market right now, Microsoft’s Xbox One is by far the most impressive when it comes to its commitment to backwards compatibility.

At the moment there’s an extensive list of Xbox 360 games that can be played on the Xbox One and while that’s continuing to grow, Microsoft announced plans to add original Xbox games into the mix at E3 earlier this year.

Microsoft hasn’t been forthcoming with details on exactly which original Xbox titles will be coming to Xbox One – at the moment we only know about Crimson Skies and Fuzion Frenzy. However, in a recent interview with GameSpot, Xbox head Phil Spencer did say we’d see the first of the batch released before the end of the year.


When asked about the status of the backwards compatibility project by GameSpot, Spencer stated “We’re close, we’re really close.”

“I have a little dashboard I go to and I can see all the games [and] where they are in getting approvals in the pipeline,” he continued.

“I know the games that are coming for the original Xbox but I don’t think we’ve announced them all. We have to do …read more

Source:: techradar.com – Gaming

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