Oculus Rift is going after movies with its own internal production studio

Oculus Rift is going after movies with its own internal production studio

By Michael Rougeau

Oculus Rift is going after movies with its own internal production studio

We’ve known for a long time that gaming is not Oculus VR’s only focus, but it seems film might play an even larger role in virtual reality than we suspected.

The company behind Oculus Rift has introduced a new entertainment-focused internal group called Oculus Story Studio, reports The Verge.

The studio aims to build up virtual reality content that isn’t video games, the site says, looking at VR storytelling methods, sharing research and producing VR films.

Its first project, a three-and-a-half to ten-minute interactive film called Lost, is debuting at the Sundance Film Festival this week. It was directed by former Pixar animator Saschka Unseld, and will be displayed on the Oculus Rift Crescent Bay prototype.

Story Studio is allegedly comprised of a total of ten people, but there’s a lot of potential for growth – depending largely on the public’s response to the VR film being shown off this week.

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Source: techradar.com – Gaming

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