Nintendo: The NX will be about games, not power

Nintendo: The NX will be about games, not power

By Hugh Langley

Nintendo: The NX will be about games, not power

Nintendo is remaining incredibly coy on the details for its next console, the NX, despite having announced it will launch in March 2017.

But in a new interview with Bloomberg Nintendo America President Reggie File-Aime has made reference to the new system, in a respondse to a question about how it will stack up against the upcoming PS4 Neo and the Xbox Scorpio.

“For us, it’s not about specs, it’s not about teraflops, it’s not about the horsepower of a particular system,” he said. “For us, it’s about the content. Nintendo is a content focused company, we create content that makes people smile.

“So for us we’re focused on bringing our best entertainment to both the Wii U as well as the NX in the future. So for us, whatever Microsoft and Sony are doing in terms of talking about new systems, that’s for them to fight out in that red ocean.”

Of course, both the Wii and Wii U were underpowered compared to their rivals, but from its launch Wii’s unique technology was compelling enough to not let a lack of horsepower damage its success.

Meanwhile the Wii U didn’t have such a unique proposition but still …read more

Source:: – Gaming

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