New iPad 2018

New iPad 2018

By Gareth Beavis

The new iPad for 2018 is the latest tablet from Apple, and it’s good news for both the student and the consumer.

It’s a budget-conscious slate that’s designed to help Apple makefurther inroads into the lucrative education market, and as such slices off some of the key features of the top-end devices to help get the price lower and make it affordable for schools and parents.

That price of $329 is the same as the tablet from last year ($299 for schools), and the same shape and chassis that’s being used in 2018’s new iPad, but there are some key upgrades.

The Apple Pencil could be a game changer

The main feature of the new iPad is the fact it’s Apple Pencil compatible, something that’s not been seen since the launch of the iPad Pro range. This is the first ‘normal’ tablet from Apple to take advantage of the accessory, and it’s designed to give students a chance to ditch the notepad and use only the iPad for class.

This is an… OK move. There’s nothing like the feel of pen on paper, but there’s a lot to be said about having all your notes stored in one place for easy access. You’re getting the …read more

Source:: – PC and Mac

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