iPad Pro 10.5

iPad Pro 10.5

By Gareth Beavis

The iPad Pro 10.5 represents Apple deciding to make a tablet with absolutely everything crammed in. The best in audio performance, the cream of the company’s mobile screen tech, and all the power that can be crammed inside the metal walls of a digital slate.

Make no mistake: the new iPad Pro is the device that Apple wants you to buy to replace your laptop if you’re not going to pay out for a new MacBook.

Ironically, the price is such that – when paired with the necessary accessories– it’s not far off the cost of such a device, but the iPad Pro offers something a little different.

It’s an entertainment hub that flips to become a mobile work station – the iPad Pro’s strength is that it can do many things well, and in a compact form.

There’s only so much manufacturers can do to update a tablet these days beyond increasing the specs, as the use case for these devices hasn’t altered much over the years, beyond them now being able to serve as pseudo-tablet replacements with the addition of a keyboard.

That said, Apple has shoved all the high-end specs it can into the new iPad Pro 10.5, and it really does …read more

Source:: techradar.com – PC and Mac

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