Industry voice: Don’t be conned over software-defined storage: how to spot the real deal

Industry voice: Don't be conned over software-defined storage: how to spot the real deal

By Kate Canestrari

Industry voice: Don't be conned over software-defined storage: how to spot the real deal

We are rapidly entering the era of the software-defined enterprise, where all IT resources will be managed, provisioned and stored virtually. In fact, Gartner has identified “software-defined anything” as one of its top ten strategic technologies, an accolade given to technologies the analyst house believes have “the potential to have a significant impact on the enterprise in the next three years”.

As a key element of the software-defined category, software-defined storage is already seeing significant market traction. Many of our customers are already adopting the technology and enjoying business benefit as a result. Others are enquiring about how they can start to migrate towards it. Software-defined storage has therefore clearly moved from hype to business value, but why now?

Unending data growth and modern applications

The key drivers behind software-defined storage are massive data growth and the changing nature of applications. First, the exponential growth in unstructured content is prompting enterprises to seek lower cost alternatives to traditional storage systems. Secondly, businesses need to develop powerful new applications that exploit megatrends such as mobility and big data analytics.

Consequently, enterprises need a new approach to storage that can change the trajectory of their rising storage costs and facilitate the development and …read more

Source: – Computing Components

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