Hands-on review: Updated: Ubuntu Phone

Hands-on review: Updated: Ubuntu Phone

By Matt Hanson and Jamie Carter

Hands-on review: Updated: Ubuntu Phone

The tech landscape is dominated by the smartphone and the tablet. These in turn are lorded-over by two competing operating systems familiar to us all, namely Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android, which can never be deposed, not even by Microsoft’s millions. Right?

Not so. While Apple and Google slug it out with periodic updates to try and outdo each other, and in doing so hopefully tempt us tech buyers to swap from one major operating system to another, there are other smartphone-centric platforms out there vying for to be dominant in the longer term.

Ubuntu Phone

For example Windows Phone, has faltered due to its muddled tablet and desktop variants and lack of app support, and hasn’t had much of an impact so far, though Microsoft hopes to change its fortunes with Windows 10 Mobile.

And then there are a the smaller and virtually unknown mobile platforms such as Jolla’s Sailfish that are now starting to get some attention, with probably the most well-known being Ubuntu.

Several operating systems are fighting for the title of up-and-coming ‘third ecosystem’, and Ubuntu Phone has emerged as a new challenger.

<img src="http://mos.futurenet.com/techradar/art/mobile_phones/Ubuntu/handson/network_list-420-90.jpg" alt="The Home screen is simple and clean" width="420" title="The network configuration …read more

Source: techradar.com – Phones

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