Hands-on review: K3 Wintel Keyboard PC

Hands-on review: K3 Wintel Keyboard PC

By Desire Athow

Hands-on review: K3 Wintel Keyboard PC

We’ve witnessed the arrival of new designs over the past decade when it comes to personal computer form factors. The traditional towers and boxy cases have made way for all-on-ones, HDMI dongles, micro-computers and even entire units that live in something as small as a power socket.

But there’s a new kid on the block – or rather, it’s actually an old favourite that’s making a comeback. Meet the K3, a keyboard that houses a computer, just like in the good old days of home computing dominated by the Sinclair ZX Spectrum and the Commodore 64.

(Incidentally, while writing this piece, we found out that, surprisingly, there are a few keyboards called K3).

K3 ports

Asus tried to bring this concept back in 2009 but its EEE PC keyboard barely registered a blip on the radar – while the device was quite promising with its touchscreen trackpad, it regrettably never really delivered. There are also a number of niche players like industrial PC vendor, Cyberman, which sell keyboard PC units.

K3 close-up

Nearly seven years on though, the K3 aims to do a bit better than the EEE PC keyboard but without a lot of the bells and whistles and …read more

Source:: techradar.com – PC and Mac

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