Gaming on YouTube: Why and who to watch

Gaming on YouTube: Why and who to watch

By Bob McCann

Gaming on YouTube: Why and who to watch

Gaming on YouTube: Why and who to watch

With YouTube gaming rapidly growing in size, there is more competition than ever to create the best content.

It’s not just YouTube though, streaming service Twitch is also growing in popularity, allowing anyone to easily broadcast their gaming experience from a PC, PS4 or Xbox One.

In this article I look at why people watch others playing games, and highlight four of my favorite YouTube gamers, ranging from views to work ethic.

Why watch?

YouTube gamers have managed to captivate audiences in a variety of ways. Some are funny to watch and will keep you laughing throughout the video.

In a way it’s similar to watching a comedian, but you’re at home (or wherever your internet coverage stretches), it’s free and at the end of the day, who doesn’t like to laugh?

Others are informative and provide reviews and information on both games and the gaming industry itself. This gives you insight into whether to purchase particular games and how to approach games when you load them up, as well as keeping you informed about upcoming titles or developments surrounding the community.

A small portion of YouTubers are just …read more

Source:: – Gaming

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