Final Fantasy 7 remake trailers, release date, news and features

Final Fantasy 7 remake trailers, release date, news and features

By Emma Boyle

First released in 1997, Final Fantasy 7 immediately cemented its place as one of the best JRPG titles around and helped millions of gamers discover a genre they’d never before considered.

Understandably, then, Square Enix is releasing a remake. Not only because that seems to be the done thing these days but also because it’s something fans genuinely seemed to want – when Final Fantasy 7 was announced as being in the works at E3 2015, the news was received warmly to say the least.

The path to release hasn’t been smooth for this game, though. After two years in development we’re still not entirely sure when we’ll see the Final Fantasy 7 Remake released.

With news and rumors still churning around the great wide web but official information still pretty thin on the ground, we’ve gathered up everything we know has been confirmed and everything that’s been rumored right here for your perusal.

Cut to the chase

  • What is it? A remake of the popular JRPG Final Fantasy 7
  • When can I play it? There’s no official release date just yet but we’d hope before 2019
  • What can I play it on? It’s been confirmed the game will come to PS4 first, but …read more

    Source:: – Gaming

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