FDC Servers CDN

FDC Servers CDN

By Mike Williams

Founded in 2001, FDC Servers is a popular provider of budget network solutions, including dedicated servers, private cloud, virtualization and hosting products.

The company also offers a simple CDN based on its own small network, comprising of just 13 locations spread across North America and Europe.

The feature set is mostly about the basics. There’s support for accelerating HTTP, video on demand and live streaming resources. You can use shared SSL or custom SNI SSL certificates, and access control features to enable allowing or blocking requests by country, referrer (hotlink protection), IP address and more.

The service supports pseudo streaming for MP4 or FLV videos, allowing viewers to skip forward in a video which hasn’t fully downloaded yet. (You’ll need a Flash player and a video prepared for pseudo streaming.)

A scattering of switches can enable (or disable) caching cookie requests, blocking search engine crawlers or using HTTP Live Streaming Optimization to improve media playback.

CDN management options include prefetching large files to ensure they’re in the cache for the first request. You’re able to purge the cache of specific items, or clear it entirely, and experts can build custom HTTP caching rules to …read more

Source:: techradar.com – PC and Mac

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