Fallout 4 player finds the game too addictive, so he sues Bethesda

Fallout 4 player finds the game too addictive, so he sues Bethesda

By Cameron Faulkner

Fallout 4 player finds the game too addictive, so he sues Bethesda

Open-world games are notorious time-sinks. But, one player in Russia was caught off-guard by how addicted he became with Bethesda’s Fallout 4. So much, that he’s suing the game’s creators on the basis that they didn’t think to warn players just how addicted they might become.

Sitting at 85 hours of playtime, there were a few points when I found myself addicted to Fallout 4’s charm. But this person definitely one-upped me (and probably you, too) by falling into a three-week marathon/blackhole, which cost him his health, his job, and his wife. This man’s life is in ruins because of the year’s most popular first-person adventure and, in his opinion, Bethesda is at fault.

According to RT, he’s suing the Bethesda, MD-based (get it?) game publisher for 500,000 rubles, which converts to about seven thousand dollars. There’s doubt that the company will buckle to his demands, as it has been making these sorts of content-packed games for nearly two decades. That, and the Entertainment Software Ratings Board (ESRB) doesn’t demand that a company divulges its game’s “addictiveness”. That factor seems pretty hard to quantify, anywho.

I’m curious as to how this player landed on the $7,000 amount to sue Bethesda for. Surely, …read more

Source:: techradar.com – Gaming

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