Developers need to realise there’s more to Spider-Man than the films

Developers need to realise there's more to Spider-Man than the films

By Jake Tucker

Developers need to realise there's more to Spider-Man than the films

For comic fans, one of the sweetest moments of E3 2016 was the announcement that a new Spider-Man game was coming, and better still that it was being developed by Insomniac Games, developers of Sunset Overdrive, Ratchet & Clank and the Resistance games.

It was a great reveal trailer too. Spidey moves fluidly and the combat looks to make the most of his agility and grace instead of just punching people in the head repeatedly. In particular, the scene where he charges through a crowded coffee shop shows how much work Insomniac have put into the animations and making Spidey look just like he should.

YouTube :

But while the internet rejoiced at the idea of a good Spider-Man game since Spider-Man 2, I had only one thought cross my mind: “Peter Parker, again?”.

Same old Peter

Peter Parker has been the lead character in all 34 Spider-Man games, and frankly, he’s boring by now. If this new Spider-Man game wants to herald a new crop of Marvel universe games, it’s going to need to give us something more interesting than another serving of Peter Parker’s misplaced angst.

If Marvel comic book games really want to …read more

Source:: – Gaming

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