Allura Alforsdotter

Allura Alforsdotter

Montblanc Announces A Smart Bracelet For Your Fancy Watch

Montblanc Announces A Smart Bracelet For Your Fancy Watch

By John Biggs What did I tell you? In a last-ditch effort to save themselves, watchmakers are now turning to the band in order to ensure that timekeeping remains well in the realm of the mechanical. The new band, part of the Montblanc Timewalker Urban Speed collection, is a little metal screen that can receive…

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High Tech Or Hangover? Watch Quake On An Oscilloscope

High Tech Or Hangover? Watch Quake On An Oscilloscope

By John Biggs Head spinning? Stomach gurgling? Did you just drink a Bloody Mary just to find some respite from your pounding gulliver? Why not take a look at Pekka Väänänen’s project, an attempt to play Quake on a Hitachi V-422 oscilloscope. Why? Because if it can’t run Quake it’s not a true piece of…

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