Analysis: PlayStation Vita at 3: how Sony can save its handheld

Analysis: PlayStation Vita at 3: how Sony can save its handheld

By Dave Rudden

Analysis: PlayStation Vita at 3: how Sony can save its handheld

Vita’s past and present

We just passed the three-year anniversary of the North American launch of the PlayStation Vita, and some proper perspective may be in order:

When the PlayStation Portable turned three in 2008, the PSP Go (as ill-fated as it was) was still yet to come, and big-name games like LittleBigPlanet and Gran Turismo hadn’t made their portable debut.

When Nintendo DS turned three in 2007, it was a year away from a hardware refresh via the DSi that would add a bounty of new download-only games.

The Nintendo 3DS turned three around this time last year with news of the New Nintendo 3DS about to break and killer app Super Smash Bros. was months away from hitting.

While all of those portables have some life left after three years, the Vita’s future isn’t as clear. Beyond the fact there are more on-the-go gaming options than ever before, the Vita lacks the triple-A franchise support of the PSP or really any major third-party support.

Yet there is hope for the platform due to unique indie darlings and some great technical ideas on Sony’s end. But to understand where the Vita is going – and …read more

Source: – Gaming

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