Analysis: Nintendo NX will have virtual reality, claims report – but how likely is it?

Analysis: Nintendo NX will have virtual reality, claims report - but how likely is it?

By Hugh Langley

Analysis: Nintendo NX will have virtual reality, claims report - but how likely is it?

By the end of 2017, all of the major games consoles might be offering virtual reality – yes, even Nintendo’s.

According to Digitimes, which claims to have heard as much from its “upstream supply chain” sources, the Nintendo NX was pushed back into 2017 to incorporate a VR element (thanks, Nintendo Life).

Digitimes is a bit hit and miss on its scoops, so I’m not buying this outright, but I think it makes a lot of sense.

Had anyone made the same claim a year ago, I’d have laughed it off. For one thing it seems at odds with Nintendo’s ethos. Last year Shigeru Miyamoto said he was “uneasy” about how VR would fit the spirit of the Wii U, which was about getting people in the same room playing together.

It’s a thread that runs through all of Nintendo’s home consoles, and none demonstrated it better than the original Wii. But times change, and earlier this year Tatsumi Kimishima, who became Nintendo president after the passing of Satoru Iwata, even described VR as an “interesting technology”.

The Financial Times, meanwhile, reported that Nintendo was researching a “cautious return” to VR but had no immediate plans to launch …read more

Source:: – Gaming

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