Analysis: 5 things Nintendo should learn from Pokemon Go

Analysis: 5 things Nintendo should learn from Pokemon Go

By Parker Wilhelm

Analysis: 5 things Nintendo should learn from Pokemon Go

Where do you Go from here?

In case you took a break from the entire internet for a week and avoided going outside, there’s been sort of a craze lately with this little-known app called Pokémon Go.

The augmented reality (AR) game has successfully ejected tens of millions players off their couches to encounter rare and wondrous beasts out in nature – or their twentieth Magikarp at the local Arby’s – as well as gave Nintendo’s stock its biggest boost in over 30 years, according to The Guardian.

Despite Ninty only having one-third control over The Pokémon Company, the multi-corporate group behind the pocket-monster machine, the game/hardware maker could stand to learn a thing (or five) from Go’s success.

1. AR is here to stay, so lead it

Be a leader in AR

Pokémon Go certainly isn’t the first augmented reality game, but seeing how it stormed the App Store, Google Play, and all of social media, we can safely say it won’t be the last

As smartphones get more powerful, coupled with grander ambitions, like Microsoft HoloLens or Magic Leap’s hyped-up mystery display, AR is going to be less of a buzzword and more of …read more

Source:: – Gaming

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