Arizona Sunshine and the cross-platform VR problem

Arizona Sunshine and the cross-platform VR problem

By Gerald Lynch

Arizona Sunshine is a great game. And Arizona Sunshine is also a shoddy game.

Both of the above statements are true, but, depending on which virtual reality platform you’ve invested in, only one of them will apply to your experience. After making a barnstorming room scale debut on the HTC Vive, followed by a Touch-controller friendly Oculus Rift edition, the ambitious zombie apocalypse shoot-a-thon has made its way to the PlayStation VR headset. But, like the re-animated corpse of a loved one, the shambling shell of what made it special is all that remains.

Arizona Sunshine sends you out into the rocky orange desert of the so-called ‘Copper State’, on the hunt for fellow survivors of an undead epidemic. A colorful and surprisingly humorous take on the ‘Walking Dead’ nightmare, it’s a relatively straightforward first-person shooter, elevated by its virtual reality format.

Rather than just taking on the undead hordes with an analogue stick and shoulder trigger, you’re placed right in the heart of the action, flinching with fear as the brain-eating swarm edges towards your fleshy bits, twitching with every hint that the 3D audio offers that suggests a rotting walker may be awaiting around a corner.

Platform …read more

Source:: – Gaming

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