Strange Brigade was the game that made me proud to be British at this year’s E3

Strange Brigade was the game that made me proud to be British at this year’s E3

By Jon Porter

Some games click with you right away, but, for me at least, Strange Bridage was not one of those games.

The title, which is being developed by the studio behind the Sniper Elite series, is a co-operative third person shooter with all the trappings of a 1930s pulp adventure.

With Gears of War still fresh in my mind from the Xbox One X reveal, I sat down for my play session, and started very slowly and deliberately making my way through the level. In Strange Brigade you fight against all manner of supernatural beasts, from zombies to mummies and sphinxes.

Try and play the game like a cover-based shooter however, and you’ll soon become frustrated by how easy the enemies are to take down, and how twitchy the controls are.

Run and gun

As I played through the demo level, my playstyle was gradually moulded to how the game wanted me to play it. I started throwing caution to the wind and started sprinting through packs of zombies, using a combination of melee attacks, grenades and my two-barrelled shotgun to take down crowds of them in quick succession.

Take down multiple enemies quickly enough and you start to build up special …read more

Source:: – Gaming

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