By Nick Pino
Super Mario Odyssey is the Mario Galaxy sequel you’ve been dreaming of.
The worlds contained within the game are expansive and detail-rich, and Mario still moves like he’s a limber, spry athlete rather than the 30-year-old plumber that he is.
We’ve gotten a chance to go hands on with the game at Nintendo’s booth during E3 2017 for two 10-minute sessions and have walked away feeling excited not only about the Mushroom Kingdom’s leading man, but also about the future of the Nintendo Switch as a whole.
I should slow down. Super Mario Odyssey isn’t a direct sequel to the Galaxy franchise despite having a suspiciously similar premise. In both games, Mario transverses a number of unrelated worlds, called Kingdoms in Odyssey, in the search of missing cosmic planetoids. That’s not even mentioning gameplay which feels more like a speedier Mario 64 than it does 3D World.
But, surprisingly, Odyssey has the potential to be even better than both Galaxy – one of the highest-rated games of all-time – and Mario 64. And it’ll likely be the game that will finally convince me to buy a Nintendo Switch, something not even The Legend of Zelda: Breath of …read more
Source:: – Gaming