This mini 3D-printed Game Boy mod is almost too small

This mini 3D-printed Game Boy mod is almost too small

By Jon Porter

If there’s one thing you can rely on technology to do, it’s to get smaller and smaller until the point at which you’re almost certain it can’t go any further, and then it shrinks just a little more for good measure.

Nintendo itself has played its part with devices like the Game Boy Micro in the past, but now an intrepid modder has taken the whole miniturisation thing to an extreme with a Game Boy that’s so small it’ll happily fit on a keychain.

The modder, who goes by the name ‘Sprite_TM’, built the diminutive device for Hackaday’s 2016 SuperConference, and it’s perfectly capable of playing full on Game Boy games.

Small but mighty

Hardware wise the core of the device is a ESP32 chip, which is equipped with Wi-Fi to allow for ROM transfers to the console.

It’s got a small speaker built in to its custom-built 3D-printed case, and its screen is a 96 x 64 pixel OLED display (slightly lower resolution than the original’s 160 x 144 display).

Oh and it’ll also run Doom, so you can add it to the ever-expanding list of things that can run the seminal first-person shooter.

It’s been a good year …read more

Source:: – Gaming

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