Week in Gaming: Don’t get angry over ‘Best Games’ lists – go and smooch some more games instead

Week in Gaming: Don't get angry over 'Best Games' lists - go and smooch some more games instead

By Kate Gray

Week in Gaming: Don't get angry over 'Best Games' lists - go and smooch some more games instead

So. Edge has just published its Top 100 Games Of All Time list. (SIT BACK DOWN, child. You will not be finding any rank-related bitching here. This is a place of calm. Shoo.) Unsurprisingly, said list has caused a bit of a ruckus on the fragile planet that is The Internet, where the atmosphere is 97% vitriol and all the extinct species died of having wrong opinions.

Top 100 lists are very rarely one person toiling away for months on his/her ultimate games of all time. They are even more rarely based on questions like “has it aged well?” and “does it match up to Dark Souls?”. They are very likely to be based on a number of people sort of deciding what their favourite games are as a group, and because we’re all humans, we tend to think of games we played recently and games we grew up on and not a lot in between.

Remember how games are fun? So, too, are lists. We like lists. Entire websites have been more out of humanity’s love of seeing the mundane categorised and ranked and turned into quizzes (naming no names, but one notable example rhymes with shmuzzpeed). So …read more

Source:: techradar.com – Gaming

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