Windows 10 seems to have run out of Steam

Windows 10 seems to have run out of Steam

By Darren Allan

Windows 10 seems to have run out of Steam

Windows 10 has failed to gain any users in the last month according to the latest survey of Steam gamers – and indeed the OS has actually dropped very slightly in terms of market share.

The results of Steam’s survey for September showed that while Windows 10 remained the most popular operating system – as it has been amongst gamers on Valve’s service since spring rolled around – the 64-bit version only gained a minuscule 0.04% of the market, and the 32-bit incarnation actually shed 0.09%.

This meant that last month Windows 10 actually lost 0.05% market share, although that’s a pretty negligible drop. However, it would seem that Microsoft’s newest OS has effectively stalled going by Steam’s metrics.

This is particularly interesting, because gamers have been amongst the keenest adopters of Windows 10, with the OS continually making impressive gains throughout this year. Even in the previous batch of figures from Steam, for August – which was after the free upgrade offer expired – the operating system still saw a big increase of 2.7%.

A lot of the growth in the gaming community has to do with the fact that DirectX 12 is exclusive to Windows 10, which is a …read more

Source:: – Gaming

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