Processors have come a very long way in a very short time. CPUs have moved from 4-bit to 8-bit to 64-bit processing, and are gaining ever more cores on a single piece of silicon. They have become smaller, more efficient and more powerful than the earliest processor designers could ever imagine.
Whether it’s the System on a Chip in your smartphone or the Kaby Lake in your next PC, modern CPUs are astonishing feats of engineering – and each one of them stands on the shoulders of giants. Come with us as we discover 10 CPUs that changed computing.
- Check out the current 10 top processors from AMD and Intel
1. Intel 4004
The 1971 Intel 4004 was designed for calculators, not computers, but the 4-bit 4004 was the first commercially available CPU. Intel had been commissioned by the Busicom calculator firm to make Busicom’s own design of chipset, but Intel decided that it was far too complicated and used too many pins.
The result was the 4004, which appeared in the first commercial product ever to use a microprocessor: the Busicom 141-PF calculator. Sadly the story that the 4004 also powered the Pioneer 10 space …read more
Source:: – Computing Components