Hands-on review: MSI WT72 6QN

Hands-on review: MSI WT72 6QN

By Desire Athow

Hands-on review: MSI WT72 6QN

Virtual reality is coming of age with hardware like the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift providing ideal devices for creative minds and gamers alike.

It doesn’t come as a surprise therefore that at least one top-tier laptop vendor saw an opportunity to repackage its gaming products for a more lucrative audience: creative professionals.

That vendor, MSI, sent us the WT72 6QN, otherwise known as the first Nvidia VR-ready professional mobile workstation, one which was launched only a few months ago.

MSI WT72 6QN top

What sets it apart from its other siblings is the presence of a new GPU, the Quadro M5500, which has 2,048 CUDA cores and offers, according to Nvidia, a third more power compared to the previous generation. More on that later.

So, this is a gaming laptop that has had a brain swap to transform it into a professional workstation – which means that there are still a lot of small features that betray its original status.

Note that this laptop is not available for sale in the UK. The WT72 6QN costs a staggering $4,599 in the US and while you may be able to buy it from the States, the shipping costs and added taxes …read more

Source:: techradar.com – PC and Mac

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