Review: HP Star Wars Special Edition Notebook

Review: HP Star Wars Special Edition Notebook

By Dan Griliopoulos

Review: HP Star Wars Special Edition Notebook

Introduction and design

Overpriced brand tie-ins are nothing new to laptops – I still shudder when I remember the idiot estate agent I met who was richly proud of his shiny red Ferrari laptop, as we all crammed into his Peugot 305… but this Star Wars Special Edition laptop is a bit different.

First, HP isn’t pretending this is a top-spec machine – this is a simple, cheap modern laptop. It has solid components and a distinct graphics card, but doesn’t have any claims to power beyond that. It’s to laptops what Count Dooku was to the Sith, what Stormtroopers are to normal soldiers, what Kit Fisto is to Jedi, and what General Grievous was to villains. Something that looks really good, but with totally average performance.

HP Star Wars

Secondly, they’ve shown some love to the Star Wars movies beyond the machine’s design, cramming in all sorts of extras, ranging from the tacky to the silly. This thing has tweaks galore, from the recycle bin being turned into a miniature Death Star (which turns into the partially built Death Star 2 when it’s emptied) to a huge range of media add-ons.

The model we’re testing is the only version …read more

Source:: – PC and Mac

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