Industry voice: How the flash new kids on the block are muscling aside the old storage giants

Industry voice: How the flash new kids on the block are muscling aside the old storage giants

By Gavin McLaughlin

Industry voice: How the flash new kids on the block are muscling aside the old storage giants

All actors, singers and performers know there comes a time when their place in the spotlight will be taken by someone else. It’s a natural progression. Some of them accept their diminishing fame with good grace, making a good living from supporting roles or performing fewer gigs in smaller venues.

Others refuse to accept reality and retreat into an illusionary bubble where their fame endures, even if it’s only in their own heads. A fortunate but limited few retain an enduring appeal that enables them to keep their place near the top of their profession.

HINE struggling

The big storage vendors find themselves in a similar position today. Like an ageing boy band flogging its latest album, the big four of HP, IBM, NetApp and EMC (HINE), are struggling to maintain their sales in the global external disk storage market as more youthful competitors emerge to steal their thunder.

According to IDC, sales of high-end storage fell for four consecutive quarters to Q2 2014. IBM, EMC and NetApp revenues were all down and HP managed a measly 0.4% increase in sales in Q2 2014. At the same time, sales by newer, smaller companies in the storage market increased by 11.1% to give them a …read more

Source: – Computing Components

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