Industry voice: Is there a perfect balance of performance and capacity for business storage?

Industry voice: Is there a perfect balance of performance and capacity for business storage?

By Laurence James

Industry voice: Is there a perfect balance of performance and capacity for business storage?


Despite storage being the foundation on which all data and applications reside, some people say working in the storage industry can be a thankless task at times, and the work often goes unnoticed as it predominantly occurs in the background. Storage is still a decision left until last when it comes to building the right IT infrastructure. Well, perhaps this is the way it should be?

This may go against what you would expect to hear from someone who is working for one of the world’s largest storage vendors, helping it to compete in a highly competitive environment and develop its product portfolio. But unless we think like the businesses we supply, there is no way we can build a product portfolio that is going to support their needs. And ultimately this is what it’s all about – how can storage support the business’ key workloads and truly impact how they serve their customers, be it internal or external.

To understand the role that the storage layer is going to play in an enterprise-class IT infrastructure, we first need to help businesses understand the impact that applications have on their performance, and in turn the level of performance they need from their …read more

Source: – Computing Components

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