By Darren Allan
Following the release of its voice control kit earlier this year, Google has produced a new DIY kit for the Raspberry Pi which lets hobbyists turn the compact board into a computer vision system – or in layman’s terms, a smart camera capable of recognizing stuff.
The AIY (do-it-yourself AI) Vision Kit consists of a VisionBonnet circuit board, a lens kit, a button and speaker, along with a cardboard outer case and various connecting bits and pieces (including a tripod mounting nut).
When combined with a Raspberry Pi Zero W, a Raspberry Pi Camera, plus an SD card (and power supply), the user can build their own powerful computer vision system which has no need to hook up to the cloud for extra processing power. It’s a fully self-contained cardboard box of tricks.
The time for assembling the kit is estimated at around an hour.
Recognizing the benefits
It comes with software that can pull off feats like successfully recognizing common objects from a database, and recognizing human faces and their expressions (happy, sad, confused-why-are-you-pointing-that-camera-at-me, that sort of thing).
There’s a third piece of software (all of these utilize TensorFlow-based neural network models) which can be used as a person, cat or …read more
Source:: – Computing Components